Our school is located at Chabad, 350 Via Las Brisas #110.
Our School meets Sundays 10:00am -12:15 pm
The mission of Chabad Hebrew School is to provide and promote the highest quality after- school Judaic education where the beauty, values and traditions of Judaism are brought to life through a kaleidoscope of activities and interactive lessons. We've dedicated our resources to ensure that your child's experience reflect a positive, cheerful and enjoyable chapter of his or her maturing process.
At Chabad our goal is simple. We want our students to view Judaism in an intelligent, relevant and upbeat light. By year's end, along with the Aleph-Bet, Holiday learning, Hebrew literacy and Hebrew language your child will have developed a deep love and appreciation for the their precious heritage, imbuing their every day with a sense of pride and purpose.
You do not have to be a member of Chabad to join the school. Our student body represents a wonderful cross section of children from various backgrounds and levels of religious awareness. This allows for a fascinating and interesting learning environment for all.
Any school is only as good as its teachers. Chabad Hebrew School of NP prides itself in carefully selecting teachers who are as excited about teaching as our children are about learning. Our staff is known for their broad knowledge of Judaism, dedication to children, and experience in teaching.
Each teacher lives and breathes what he or she teaches, providing the best possible model for our students. Staff members have extensive Hebrew language skills, have attended teachers' seminaries, and are very passionate about what they do! Through their education they have learned the strategies to successfully share Judaism with children of all levels of knowledge and ability.We enjoy drawing on the resources of thousands of teachers from the finest schools in the country and beyond. The result is an up-to-date, multi-faceted program complemented with cutting-edge materials and the most modern textbooks available today.
In addition to the Judaic studies that they teach, they understand the developmental issues applicable to the age level of their students. In short, our teachers are as enthusiastic about teaching as our students are about learning!
Our school participates in the Chabad Living Legacy Holiday Experience. Hands-on demonstrations give the children a firsthand look at how a shofar is fashioned; how honey is produced; they get to squeeze their own olive oil; bake a round Matzah; and learn from a Scribe the techniques used in writing a Torah and a Mezuzah.
When your child is ready for Bar/Bat Mitzvah training, Our Hebrew School will lay the foundation for a meaningful ceremony. Private tutoring is arranged and the Rabbi and Rebbetzin are available for consultation regarding all aspects of this special day.